Tuesday 4 March 2008

On the beach, trusting God

There's a full update on camping below, but I just wanted to share this thought seperately...

I walked barefoot along the sand for a while. I love that feeling as the sand bends and falls apart under your feet. It reminded me of a poem I wrote a while ago that mentioned struggling to trust God when 'the world felt like shifting sand beneath my feet'. As I walked along the beach feeling the sand move under my toes, I realised that the world is 'shifting sand beneath my feet'. When I started to expect the world to be solid and it wasn't, I found it hard to trust God. The truth is that the world isn't solid, but God is. When we start expecting things God hasn't promised and get disappointed it's easy to claim God isn't trustworthy. But it's not true. It doesn't make God untrustworthy - He never promised us an easy life or a solid world to stand on. He is 'the solid rock' for us to stand on, and that doesn't shift with the tide. I'm grateful for that truth.

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