Thursday 24 April 2008

Outreach Update 2

Hey everyone!

Things are busy here all over again, so I'll try to keep you up with all that's been happening...


I had a lot of fun in Yeppoon but often felt that we weren't 'doing' as much as I'd've liked, and I think the change in the school rules had something to do with this. However, the big skate park event on Saturday went really well and I had the opportunity to chat and pray with one of the girls who was hanging out down there. The hard thing about this travelling youth work is that you can only do a tiny bit, and often, you can't even link the people you meet with local christians because you don't know who they are. However, I pray that God will give me wisdom in these situations & trust that he will look after what's going on.


We've been in Gladstone since Sunday and have spent 3 full days in the schools running the Auslife programme. This is a great programme where we take an entire year group for a full day (or very occasionally a half day) and run a seminar on either Relationships or Goals & Values including talking about christianity and challenging them to consider how God does or doesn't fit into their lives. The aim of the seminar isn't to 'convert' teenagers, but to encourage them in making positive choices in their lives (e.g. we have the kids discuss what they look for in a boyfriend or girlfriend in the Relationships seminar, and in the Goals & Values they write down 5 goals they have for the next 6 months) and to ask questions about God and faith.

The Auslife days are fairly tiring (I've been getting up at 5.15am!!) but I love it! I love the busyness, I love meeting the kids (we each have one small group that we take responsibility of) and I feel like I'm learning a lot about youth work from doing this!

Fun Stuff
I'm still waiting for my sister to have her baby...I'm very excited about this!
A friend I didn't have any contact info for added me on Facebook the other day, this made me happy.
We've got most of today off and one of the guys here in Gladstone is taking us out kneeboarding (apparantly this involves kneeling on a board & being pulled along by a boat...ooh :D )

I'd love to post something deep and meaningful too, but that's just not happening right now, so yeah, have a great day everybody & keep keeping in touch! Lots of love & God bless you!

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