Friday 15 August 2008

One Year On

I set off for the Soul Survivor festival with the youth group tommorrow. That's a whole 5 days of youth-leadering, going to massive worship & teaching events (YAY!), workshops and general hanging out with all the fun of camping. I'm really looking forward to it.

Last year's Soul Survivor was a very special time for me. It was great to get away and spend time with God. When I left for Soul Survivor I was still pretty dead-set against doing a DTS. I spent quite a bit of time looking at the christian gap-year opportunities and the suchlike but my main plan was to head off to Australia to work and travel. Within a few days of returning from Soul Survivor I was seriously considering DTS and within 9 days I had applied to Reef To Outback.

I am so incredibly grateful to God for what this year has become and what I have become in the last year. I could fire off Bible verses to try and describe it or use lots of words, but I'm not going to. I'm just going to say this: that I feel more secure in my belief in God, happier in day to day life and more confident about my future than I think I ever have. My outlook has changed and I think that's changing me more and more into the person I want to be. And so, I am grateful to God, who made it happen.

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