Saturday 27 September 2008

Change of (my) plan

I have now managed to get in touch with most of the people who would least likely to see this here before I told them so I'm ready to blog about the recent change in (my) plan.

I'm still going to be involved with running the gap year programme at my church, acting as a mentor for two 18 year old girls who will be working part time and serving part time within the church this coming academic year. I'm also going to be going to university!

The job I had applied for just really didn't seem right by the time they offered it to me and since a desire to go to university after all had been building in me, I decided to test the doors for that. The doors literally swung open, with my parents, pastor and friends giving me encouraging and useful advice, the university still willing to accept me, the timetable working out to fit around my commitments with church and, of course, the enduring sense that this is right.

The commute is about an hour and a half either way, which even after one week is proving tiring, but I believe it will be ok. After all, God strengthens us to do the right thing! Again, I know I can't do this in my own strength, not well, at least. But a little bit further than myself and working in God's strength is a great place to be, so long as I do remember to go in God's strength, not my own!

Anyway, that's the main of the news. I'll try and post again soon. God bless!

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