Friday 2 January 2009

Project 365

I've heard of this a few times, but now that I have some internet friends doing it at the same time, I've finally decided to do Project 365.

The premise is pretty simple - take a photo a day for a year. The uploading part is optional I guess, but to me it's a pretty important part of the fun. At the end of the year, you have a little album.

I'm uploading my photos onto Flickr. They'll probably usually upload everyday, but sometimes I'll upload a bunch at once. Go here to see my Project 365 set!

Also, it's not too late to join in! Just start from today. If you want you can always do the first few days of next year too, or leave it at December 31st. If you don't think you'll make a year, why not a month? Or do a Project 52 and do one a week (that's 7 times less photos to take!!) The Flickr group I've joined to keep me going is here. Look through their photos too, there's already some great shots.

Oh, and Happy New Year =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea! I think I might give it a go... although I reckon most of my photos will be of the same subject!

Thanks for the idea though. This is why you should blog!