Thursday 19 February 2009

Safari, Spotify & the Story of Stuff

I'm experimenting with using Safari instead of IE. It's better in some ways (those graphics I posted actually look right viewed in Safari) but not so good in others (I haven't found certain toolbars/options that I have set up on IE). Overall, I quite like it but I'm not fully switched, at least not yet.

Free music streaming in the UK. I've been using this for a few weeks. There's a few audio adverts but they really don't intrude, they just get put in between two songs every now and then (I'd say only about 3 an hour, max).

The Story of Stuff

This video is about 20 minutes long, but I really enjoyed watching it. It was course reading for one of my modules this semester (videos as reading = excellent). Anyway, there's one or two aspects of it that I didn't like but overall I think there's a lot of food for thought there.

The main point of the video is how much waste our consumer culture creates, and how much of this is intentional. It also talks about the 'hidden cost' of a lot of the cheap goods we buy and states "We don't actually pay for what we buy". It's true and it's horrific. So much stuff, cheap and expensive, is made by businesses with unethical practices. Honestly, it seems little better than stealing to me. And yet...what will it take to get away from this? Fair Trade and such initiatives are a step in the right direction, but there's still so much more to do.

I hate that my lifestyle is built on the exploitation of the Earth and many of it's people. I love the luxuries I enjoy, but the reality is that western lifestyles are not sustainable, and frankly, aren't fair. So what can I do about it...?

"I know I've smiled upon injustice as I've washed my hands of blame
and in my selfishness I've lived for all that I could gain
While those with nothing never once complained"
-Pete James

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

IE toolbars? You mean those things that install adware on your computer with your (unknowing) consent? He he.

Firefox is better than both if you're looking for toolbar functionality. Since it is open-source, add-ons for Firefox tend to be of a much higher quality, better integrated.

If you're looking for ultimate speed and functionality but don't care quite so much how your browser looks, go for Opera.