Monday 24 December 2007

The Countdown...

I have a flight booked! I officially leave on December 28th, headed for Melbourne. I'll sort out my internal flight once I'm there. I'm travelling on a tourist visa (so prayers that the student visa will come through quickly once I'm there would still be appreciated!)

Aside from that, it's Christmas Eve, so I'm wrapping the last few presents (not all of them got delivered in time, so sadly my little brother won't be getting his gift from me tommorrow) and deciding if I want to change for midnight mass.

I am looking forward to going to Australia. It was great to be prayed for at church yesterday (and one lady told me she saw an angel behind me while I was being prayed for! How cool is that?!) But at the same time, I know I'm going to really miss home, especially knowing that when I do come back it'll only be for a short time.

In other news, I found a really cool present for my friend Jody at the supermarket today. I would say what it is, but since she'll probably read this on my facebook feed I won't. Maybe I'll take a picture and show y'all later though.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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