Tuesday 5 February 2008

DTS Week 3

So, first off, sorry that this update is a little late. Things are getting busier here, and I had a lazy Sunday (first full day off in 2 weeks) so...yeah, that's the deal!

Last week we were discussing Identity in lectures. This was a lot about who God created us to be - recognising lies we believe about ourselves, that make us out to be less than we are, and understanding what the truth is of how we were designed and who we are in Him.

It was a pretty fun week overall, I felt.

Friday night was evangelism night again. Me and the two other girls I was with got into a long conversation about spiritual stuff with a woman who's into angelology, meditation, yoga and that kinda thing. It was interesting, though kind of scary to see how close she was to the truth in some ways, and yet so very, very far. We gave her a tract explaining the gospel message (because she doesn't know about Jesus) and invited her to the base BBQ this week. I hope she'll come, and if you want to pray for her, that God will bless her & reveal Himself to her, that would be great!

Also, before we went out we were all praying for God to guide us about who we should speak to, to tell us things to look for etc. I felt like God might be telling me to look for someone with hearts on their shirt (I saw a picture of a top with a design made up of a load of hearts), so all night I was looking out for this. After we finished talking to the woman who was into angels, it was time for us to head back and we hadn't seen anyone with hearts on their shirt, so I figured it had just been my imagination. Then, two girls came walking towards us wearing fluffy angel wings & each with an I [heart] ... t-shirt on. Ok, so it was only one heart on the shirit, but the wings clinched the deal for me. I stopped briefly, let them give me a stamp for a fundraiser they were advertising and passed the girl on the right a tract. I really pray that God will speak to her through it. Just then, two 'goth' girls walked past, and my friend was looking for a goth girl, so she handed them tracts quickly too.

At times I've wondered how much use tracts are, but as i start to realise just how little most people know about the gospel, I understand them more and more.

One revelation I had last week was that so many people think Christianity is about being good enough, doing good things and earning your way to Heaven. It's not. It's a free gift, a relationship with God that's available to anyone willing to admit their fault and receive the forgiveness Jesus died to secure and the life He was resurrected to bring. It's incredible, yet people don't even look at it because they're all too aware of being 'not enough' - what's that point of even looking at Jesus if you think you've got to be good enough for him? The enemy is rallying for this lie in our world and doing too well at it. So yes, the more people I can tell the truth to, whether they're ready to give their lives to God or not, the better, or so i think!

This week we are doing Biblical Studies. I have already read the book of Philemon 9 times and the book of Colossians once. I'm enjoying it though, it's interesting and different to the last few weeks because it's more academic, I guess.

Tonight we find out our outreach teams, so I'll be able to officially announce that in my next blog post!

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