Saturday 11 April 2009

Hot Drinks

I've recently got involved with a ministry to the homeless once a month. The basic idea is to take hot drinks and snacks to Big Issue sellers in the city centre on a Saturday morning. (For those that don't know, the Big Issue is a magazine sold by homeless people in the UK and various other countries to earn money).

I LOVE doing the project so much!

It's a simple idea and it doesn't take long, but it's great to be able to offer something to these guys (it's mainly men, but a few women). It's also good to just hear their stories and be reminded of the problems of poverty even in our own affluent society.

Today, we also got talking to a young mormon missionary, which was pretty interesting. He's just moved to the city and doesn't really know his way around yet. There's a chance we might be seeing him again, which would be cool.

Has anyone else ever noticed that when you go out with the intention of just meeting a simple need and talking to people, walls just seem to break down and conversation comes so quickly? And, with it being Easter, what a wonderful thing to know that Jesus has brought new life for each and every one of us! I'll be praying that the people I met today experience this new life with the God who created them and loves them so much.

Happy Easter & God bless you!


bloomsandbuttons said...

What a brilliant project, Bek. Would love to hear more about it. Your reflections remind me of the cells we did about service and about showing God's love through the practical things we do. Small things make such a huge difference. Happy Easter! xxx

Anonymous said...

Hmm, yeah, I think actually taking care of people's needs goes a lot farther than preaching, as well. Gives them something tangible.