Saturday 12 January 2008

Departure Lounge...

A friend of mine encouraged me last night when she told me that a philosopher once said there are 3 ways of gaining wisdom: the first, which is noblest, is reflection; the second is imitation, which is easiest and the third is experience, which is bitterest. She told me she's praying I'll gain the first sort during my time in Australia.

This morning I gained some wisdom the bitterest way. I missed my flight because of, well, to cut what could be a lot of excuses short, poor planning. I now resolve to stick firmly to the options I have planned out in advance and not second-guess *better* alternatives at the last minute. I hope the bitter taste of wasting 8.5 hours and $50 will help me stick to this resolve.


The last couple of days have been really good fun. Having spent my first few days in Sydney completely unsure of what to do and all the rest of it, the week perked up rather well towards the end. On Wednesday I went shopping and bought quite a few new clothes, which was good fun (especially since the sales are still on - yay!).

On Thursday I went to surf school for the day...we went to a beach on the North Shore and had a tiring and fun time learning the basics. I even managed to stand up and ride a wave for at least 3 seconds before jump/falling off. I loved the feeling, when you'd paddled out and got out of the waves of just sitting or lying on the board with the whole ocean in front of you and the beach behind you, just calm. I highly recommend giving surfing a go!

On Friday I took a train to Katoomba, which is in the Blue Mountains. I spent the day wandering around, riding cable cars and the steepest railway in the world and walking in the rainforest. It was really beautiful. I'll post pictures soon.

I'm really looking forward to starting DTS now. I have things that I'm nervous about, but overall I'm excited. The course officially starts tomorrow (Sunday) and I think I'm probably the last student arriving now (silly me, missing my flight).

Prayer requests:
For the whole of my Aunt's family (and especially my dad, her brother) because she died this week. Also for me, particularly on Friday because I won't be able to attend the funeral and I'm obviously sad about that.
That getting my student visa will go smoothly and quickly so that I can stay and finish the course!
That the whole group (including leaders) will bond well and form really postive relationships
That I will be brave in asking questions and seeking answers

Keep the emails etc. coming, and if you want my address, just ask for it!

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