Sunday 6 January 2008

Melbourne to Sydney


Oliver Street was my home in Melbourne for just under a week and a great home it was too! The couple I stayed with have two very adorable children, and a dog which was much easier once he stopped barking everytime he saw me! I had a lovely time staying with their family.

Around Melbourne I went on the Neighbours Tour (because you have to), visited an inner city ministry called Urban Seed that works with drug addicts and the homeless, went to an art gallery, strolled around the beachside surburb of St. Kilda and got over jet lag. Melbourne is a fab city and I highly recommend it!

On Friday I spent the day in Bendigo, about 2 hours north of Melbourne, visiting my friend Gemma (who lived in England for a while). It was fantastic to see her again and meet some of the people in her life. We shopped, hung out and went up the lookout tower. I love seeing old friends.

Yesterday (Saturday) I flew to Sydney and am currently a little overwhelmed by the size of the place! However, my hostel is clean and tidy and central enough to be easy to get to (though I got a little lost on the way home last night). I'm not quite sure of all that I'll get up to this week, but I'm sure I'll figure something out.

I'm really excited that DTS starts one week today (w00p!!!) It's been a pretty long time coming but is now almost here!! I'm a little nervous, to be sure, but I reckon once I'm there it'll be good.

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